Data videos

The UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology asked us to create a set of videos to reveal some of the insights within their data.

UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

A selection of screenshots from the UKCEH data videos. They include a mix of illustrations, text and data visualizations.

How severely are ammonia emissions rising across the UK? What are the hidden effects? And who’s most at risk? Why do tiny pollinating insects have a giant impact on our economy, our environment and our wellbeing? And what can be done to protect them all?

These questions will have a big impact on the UK in the coming years. Yet few people know to ask them, let alone how to answer. The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) can do both – thanks to their unique wealth of data, that can help experts to understand and protect our world.

The UKCEH asked us to create a set of two-minute videos that could showcase their environmental science credentials and reveal some of the vital, fascinating insights and possibilities within their data.

Inside this short-form format, we used a variety of storytelling and data viz techniques to deliver these messages in a concise, compelling style. Each video shone a twin spotlight on the power of UKCEH’s data and the issues it can help with. They revealed big trends, visualized surprising statistics and explained geographic insights in ways that were both emotive and authoritative.

These videos informed and alerted policy makers, politicians and other key stakeholders at a series of important events, from Westminster to COP, from the British Ecological Society to social media.

A selection of screenshots from the UKCEH data videos. They include a mix of illustrations, text and data visualizations.
Two illustrations used in the final UKCEH data videos. One shows a strand of DNA with illustrated labels, the other shows a topographic map with illustrations layered on top.
Two images taken from the UKCEH videos. Both show data visualizations sat next to text.
A mix of stills from the data videos. Two show illustrations and visualizations about hydrology, the last shows hydrology illustrations next to text.
Two stills from the UKCEH data videos, slightly overlapping. Both include text alongside two data visualizations, one is a map the other is a waffle chart.
Two data visualizations used in the UKCEH video. One is a bar chart tracking ammonia emissions in the UK with a projection to 2030. The other is a tree map showing the mejor emission sources of ammonia in the UK in 2019. The vast majority, 88% is from agriculture.
Two stills from the data videos. Both show text with visualizations. One is a bar chart, the other is a satellite map of land cover.

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